Let's invest in rental estate 

and grow together

We are professionals

We are working in the hospitality industry since 2013. Since then we grew, started operation in Bali, Indonesia and keep growing. Our focus is not only quantative growth but also qualitative development. Therefore we are constantly improving our ratings with booking systems thus decreasing apartment idle time.

Following top ratings

Expansion plans concern cities and countries with the best tourists number growth indices. According to the statistics Kazan and Bali is among leaders for foreign and domestic visitors. At the same time number of tourists and the quality of touristic infrastructure keeps improving.

Diversification and income sharing

Diversification and income sharing provide security of your investments. We practice income sharing model consequently we are "in the same boat" with our investors. The more our income is, the more cooperation is profitable for our partners.

High profitability

Share of the investor depends on the amount and term of the investment and starts with 30%. Competent selection of rental estate and effective management allows annual return of an unvestor up to 30 per cent.


We provide access to all information necessary to fulfill operational control and support daily monitoring of operational activities. Your investments are utilized to rent specific estate thus allowing maximum transparency and determinacy.

Interested in details? Let us provide you with the investment proposal!
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